Tag Archives: goodness

Psalm 25 – Your testimony = His reputation

Keep up your reputation, God;

Forgive my bad life;

It’s been a very bad life.

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A reputation is built on what others say about you. Each thing that is said either enhances or harms your reputation. Just so the reputation of God. It is built on the testimonies of all who have encountered Him. What you say about God is what others will think about Him.

There are many who portray God as a mean hearted dictator who will take pleasure in judging the world and extracting justice through punishment. A God hoping to send most of us to hell. Many portray Him as far off, a God waiting for some future date to reveal Himself, if He is still alive. Some portray Him as a God of double standards. pretending to save by grace but still using the law for justification.

How do you portray God?

It starts with your own reputation.. What was your reputation before you encountered God? Can you you admit that as one not in right standing with Him, you were bad, very bad? And did your reputation change after the encounter? Did you receive the forgiveness He offers? Do you today live as free from sin and guilt?

If this is true then what you say about God is that He is good and faithful and actually really and truly does forgive our sins and wash away our guilt. Your testimony is that while you were dead in your sins Christ Jesus died for you. Your testimony is that Jesus has saved you.

Do your life and the words of your mouth testify to the reputation of God as one that sinners can depend on for grace?

David says He already has this reputation as the God of grace and mercy. He calls on this reputation as basis for approaching God with confidence. Oh Lord may what I say about you make those around me see You for who You really are. May my life make people know that you are good.

Psalm 23 – My covering

Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life.


Ever since I first entered the ministry people have spoken, and some even obsessed, about having a covering. You must relate to a bigger ministry, denomination or network. There must be some big name dude that you  meet with from time to time. Or at least you must say you do.

Somehow relating or having a covering brings credibility. You must be OK if you are part of them. You can trade on their name.

I love having relationship with other Pastors and ministries. But where do some get off wanting others to come under them. What makes Him higher than you, better than you, more capable than you. In fact who appointed him over you that you must submit to him. Did he employ you to do what you do?

Very quickly they want you to conform. Speak their speak, walk their walk, fill their offering basket. Covering comes at a price.

Covering also causes division. Paul encountered it and slammed the practice. It becomes an us and them.

You already have a covering. His beauty and love. You are hidden in Christ so surely He covers you. Goodness and mercy following you around. Him making you look good. His beauty shining forth blinding the world to your faults. His love cancelling your mistakes.

No need to pay dues, He paid them. No need to submit to men, He alone is Lord. No need to stick to the rules, He fulfilled the law.

In fact get on with your life. Get on with your ministry. God gave them to you and He will watch over them. He will cover you, make you credible and His name is the one you operate in.

Men want you to come to them, join them, get covering from them. Jesus,  our Shepherd makes His covering find us and follow us. Men leave one covering and seek another as it suits them. God’s covering will never leave you.

Psalm 21 – All and more

You gave him exactly what he wanted; you didn’t hold back.

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Many this morning read this Psalm and are reminded and amazed of God’s goodness towards us. The fact that David can say that God gave him everything he wanted is a huge encouragement to us that God will grant us the desires of our heart too. Not in small measure. God held back nothing from David and that same overflow is ours today.

Right now though there are some who don’t feel this way. It is as if God is ignoring you. Denying you your requests. The things you have been asking Him for remain as distant as they were when you began. For you these words of David are just words. Might have been true for him but they are not living for you.

What is it your heart desires that God has not already given?

He has given His all so that you can once again know that He is your God. That every attribute of God is for you. You can call on Him at any time, approach the throne of grace with boldness. He has paid the price to give you free access to Him. That you might be His people.

In Christ everything is yours. You inherit the earth. Every place you put your feet He has given you. He has given you victory. He has given you authority, seated you with Him in the heavenlies. You inherit everything.

Above all He has given you Himself in a perfect relationship. Love,  joy, peace etc all living inside you.

Perhaps you have set your desires too low. Desiring the carnal, earthly things. Allowing the desires of the flesh and the carnal mind to speak louder than the desires of the heart. Loving the world more than the Kingdom.

Perhaps you are afraid to speak your dreams thinking them impossible. Comparing them with the thinking of the world and not in Kingdom terms.

Perhaps you are caught in the details, in specifics, missing the bigger picture. Asking for what you already have without realising it. God has not held back. He has already given you everything you could possibly need and then some.

Think of the big picture, pause and think about the fulness of God’s goodness towards you, about what He has already done and with that in mind put your hands out before God and He will fill them in abundance.

Psalm 17 – Expecting an answer

I call to you, God, because I’m sure of an answer. So-answer! bend your ear! listen sharp!


 Good grief! Who do you think you are talking to? You can’t talk to God like that.

Who are you talking to? Knowing the person, the character of the one you are asking is paramount. The way you approach him, the way you word your request and your expectancy levels are all set by what you know of the person. We know that in this verse David was talking to God.

But this verse is arrogance and cheek, can he really be speaking to God?

God is the one who has taught us to enter into the throne room with boldness. He has adopted us as sons and in Christ established us there. Clearly He does not want us to grovel and beg. His love for you and His grace towards you reveals His desire and purposes concerning you. He desires an intimate relationship with you that lifts you up off the floor and places you at His right hand. No begging and groveling instead ruling and reigning.

It is God who listens to the cries of His people. God’s dealing with man reveals over and over how God hears the people. He promises to hear. We can expect Him to hear. God is never too busy or pre occupied to hear your voice. You are never unimportant to God. You never have to wait in line to get His attention.

God also promises us that He listens. So He doesn’t just hear our groaning He listens to it. He pays attention to the details. He takes in what you are praying. He listens to your heart and what lies behind your words. He tells us that when we don’t have words. Don’t know how to pray then His Spirit in us prayes for us. He makes the groans

God, through Jesus, has given us our own personal advocate who is continually interceding for us. A second voice if  you like. Not only do we have the right to come directly to God but at the same time our advocate is stating our case making sure we are heard. Adding emphasis.

It is God who tells us to ask. It is He that says when we ask in His name it shall be given us. It is He who tells us that everything we ask shall be done. God promises that not only will He listen and hear but He will answer. He promises you that when you approach Him you will get an answer not just a hearing.

It is God who tells us how our prayers come before Him in an incense bowl and how they stir Him into action.

Still think David was arrogant and cheeky? Is it not rather that he knew who he was talking to. He knew God was to be trusted to keep His word. Because he knew God, he had an expectancy that God had created in Him. He spoke God’s promises back to Him.

As you approach God know this. God is waiting for you. He has made the way open for you to come to Him. He has given you the right to ask and the right to expect an answer. He has angels standing by to move the moment you approach Him. Faith and familiarity are not the same thing. It is because we have put our faith and trust in Him that He has positioned us like that and given our faith great power.

Approach Him with boldness this morning. Take your hat off before Him in respect. Stand in awe of His greatness and His goodness but do not stand hat in hand. Rather raise your hands in praise of His faithfulness. Raise up your prayer to Him with an air of total expectancy. Express yourself with absolutly no doubt that He will hear and listen and answer you. Expect your answer immediately. maybe you won’t see it manifest straight away but the peace in your heart will tell you God has answered.

Not arrogance, faith.