Tag Archives: world

Psalm 27 – In this world……

My father and mother walked out and left me, but GOD took me in.


Humanitarian work comes naturally in the world for some reason. NGOs are everywhere you look, doing something for somebody. The biggest aid agency in the world belongs to the Muslims. Somehow, deep down, there exists something in the world that reminds it to take care of itself. Orphans, AIDs sufferers, woman  and children. Supply of water and health services. The UN organises aid to be sent around the world and western countries throw billions of dollars into it. Support groups for every addiction, abuse or depression.

In this world you will have tribulations and on the surface it would seem like the world would help you when you do. True? I think not! Despite all the money, despite all the effort, despite all the agencies in this world you are all alone. You get to the point where there is no one really to help. You need to fend for yourself, Make your own decisions. Find your own peace.

There is no man you can rely on! In this world you are an orphan. A sojourner wandering along trying to make the best of your journey that can.


In the world but not of it. Not reliant on it or it’s systems. God came to the orphanage and signed adoption papers in His own blood. The world might not have wanted you but He did. The world might have tried to eat you up and spit you out but rescued you. He redeemed you from the pound where you were about to be put down and took into His own house. Gave you a place of honour instead of a place of disgrace. Called you His own, His child. Put His own name on you and dressed you in His own robe.

In this world you were alone but in Him you are seated eternally together with Him on the throne from where you rule and reign over the world that would have killed you. The world stood on you but He has lifted you up. The world despised you but He loves you. The world rejected you but you are exactly who He wants.

There is a God you can rely on. Your eternal heavenly Father. Providing your daily bread, your strength, your guide, your life. Bringing you joy and peace.

The humanitarian workers can offer some form of temporary relief. The world will offer some short term solution.

God will give you LIFE

Psalm 23 – Lord of all

A David psalm. GOD claims Earth and everything in it, God claims World and all who live on it.


He created it all. There is nothing that exists that was not made by Him. He made it, it was always His. This verse says He claims it. Why would He have to?

Quite simple, the devil attempted a coup. Man, with his warped view of government, tried to vote Him out. Nations fight over it for their own selfish reasons. Money attempted a hostile takeover. God however is having none of it. He is not intimidated by anything. It all belongs to Him.

When the cross was planted and Jesus lifted up on it, a banner was raised over all the earth, reminding it that He was truly Lord of all.God declared His intentions and gave notice to His enemies, He was taking it all back

He took back the earth and everything in it. The creation. He promised it as an inheritance to the righteous so He needs to clean up the mess man has made of it, eradicate unrighteousness. He had appointed man to rule over it now He takes it back until man is ready.

He claims the world. The world as we experience it is not of Him. He did not design its systems. He did not oversee its corruption. He is not trying to put His Name on it. He is however Lord of all. Unless He takes hold of it He can never take control. Right now the world seems to be in contrast to the Kingdom but as His Kingdom comes on earth so His claiming the earth sees His rule and reign being re-established and the world being changed.

He claims all the people. Israel was the chosen nation. They were never chosen at the expense of the other nations but to be an example to them. God wanted all the people of the earth to know and worship Him so He chose a tiny nation to show Himself to the whole world. Jesus died that all men might be saved.

So He has claimed it all back and established His Lordship over all. He has placed all of His enemies under the feet of Christ..

Now we are Christ on earth, like God. We are not Lord of all but we represent Him. We carry His authority, His name. We carry His Spirit. We have have His character, His love, His mercy, His grace. His Word is our guide. We are purposed to show His Lordship by revealing Him.

We need to to tend our Father’s fields. Rule and reign over His creation.

We need to take a hold of the world, control it and change it.

We need to ensure that all men of every tribe and nation have the opportunity to receive Him as Lord.

We validate His claim and declare His Lordship.