Tag Archives: revenge

Pslam 28 – Pay back!

Pay them back for what they’ve done, for how bad they’ve been. Pay them back for their long hours in the Devil’s workshop; Then cap it with a huge bonus.

eye fo eye

Human nature screams for revenge. We are injured, suffer injustice we demand payback. Perpetrators must be dragged to court and given sentences harsh enough to satisfy us. We call it justice.

No wonder we struggle so to understand grace. To receive grace, to live by grace. Grace is not a natural action or thought in the human psych. Even praying the Lord’s prayer is not natural for us. We want forgiveness but we don’t actually know what it is in the natural.

It is not until we can forgive that we will understand the magnitude, the effect of the forgiveness we seek. It is only when we can give the same measure of grace will we know the grace that has been heaped upon us..

So revenge, mob justice, the craving to see punishment that is the natural way of man needs to be satisfied. It is however never really satisfied and there remains always a need for more. The bonus.- take his eye and cut off his ear to teach him a lesson. So the real fix comes when man’s mind has a supernatural encounter and can think in the supernatural.

There has been payback. Christ bore the brunt of your transgressions. He suffered for everything you did to the point where there is no demand left against you. He did it in the flesh but gained a supernatural victory for you. One that would set you free forever. The world can think what you like but you are not judged and condemned in the natural but declared righteous in the supernatural.

So look around you, read the news, consider your experiences. What emotions are rising up? What is your mind thinking? Are you screaming for justice?

Or can you today dispense the love and grace of God. Can you see Him on the cross in your place? Can you look at others as He looked at you? Are you a recipient of the finished work of Christ? Then dispense justice, supernaturally.

Psalm 17 – Tit for Tat

I’d like to see their bellies swollen with famine food, The weeds they’ve sown harvested and baked into famine bread, With second helpings for their children and crusts for their babies to chew on.

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The problem with this kind of Tit for tat thinking is that we reap what we sow.

It seems that man always wants revenge. Someone does or says something against us and we want to see them pay. Even though we speak grace to ourselves and each other we wwant to see transgressors pay. The closer to home the higher the penalty.

Blessings and curses, two extremes, one brought by grace and the other the wages of sin. And yet do you not believe that grace has dealt with sin? The curse has been placed on Jesus? Do we as recipients of grace then propogate grace or blessing? Are we not taught by Jesus Himself to forgive those who tresspass against us?

But Pastor I forgive him but he must pay for what he did. Who paid for what you did?

But Pastor I have suffered greatly at his hand. Did not Christ suffer? Did not Steven suffer? Was the response not to ask God to forgive their persecutors “as they knew not what they did”?

Has the Word of God not taught us these things to ensure that we will sow grace? As disciples of Jesus it goes without saying that we should do as he did. His purpose to show forth the Father, ours so that people might know Him. If he has grace for sin, for those who sin against God, then we need to have grace for those those who sin against us. Freely we have receive,  freely we must give. Freely we give and freely we will receive.

Grace for grace.

When we start sowing curses we in essence deny what Christ  has done for us. We say we have have not received grace, we have no grace to give. We prefer to to curse that to bless, we have plenty of curses to hand out. The more we speak curses over others the more we are cursed.

Grace abounds to the one who will take it but curses will hound the one who rejects grace. For ourselves and from ourselves.

What then is to become of the one who I perceive has harmed me. Bless those who curse you. The blessing will return to you.

Will that person walk away free? Vengeance is mine says the Lord. Someone  will pay, either himself or Jesus. Jesus has already paid so why not sow the blessings to those who do not know Him