Tag Archives: glory

Psalm 29 – Dressed to impress

In awe before the glory, in awe before God’s visible power. Stand at attention! Dress your best to honor him!


Three piece suit, gold cuff links, big gold watch, gold rings on a number of fingers and the makers label on the outside of the jacket sleeve.

What is it all about? Is it smart? Certainly! Does it look good? Certainly! But why the label on the suit sleeve? What does that do?

Dressed to impress! Sunday best! Look at me I am successful. Look at me I am somebody special. Look at me I have a brand name suit.

No disrespect. Many people like to look good when they go to church and that is great. It is after all the gathering of the sons of the King. The question is, however, is it because they are in awe of the glory or trying to impress. Is it a reflection of their being or a cover up?

Does the man in front display God’s visible power by showing a suit label? Is he making people stand to attention before God or is he drawing attention to himself? Is it a portrait of look what the Lord has done or an invitation to admire him?

The appearance of man is never a direct link to the appearance of God. It is the same with huge crosses around our necks and loud tattoos. All meaningless if the life behind and beneath the adornment doesn’t  reveal Him.

Dress well, dress as you please. Make visible statements to the world but be sure who is getting noticed, who is getting praised. What do the people say? Great clothes or powerful anointing?  Are they admiring you or praising God? Are they talking about you or testifying about God?

Before you get dressed, before you get that tattoo, before you hang that cross around your neck ask yourself what purpose it will serve. Does it need to be shining gold? Would a wooden cross tied with wire bring you as much attention?

Dress your best to honour God. Clothe yourself in Christ. Put on the robe of righteousness. The garments of pure white, washed in the blood of Jesus. Wear the mantle you have been given. That will certainly impress. It will make people be in awe of the glory, it will make them see the visible power of God. It will make them stand to attention. It will honour God.

Add to that the tattoo. Add to that the cross. Add to that the suit and cuff links. The only label you will want to display is His seal placed on you.

Psalm 29 – take a bow

A David psalm. Bravo, GOD, bravo! Gods and all angels shout, “Encore!”


Church was awesome today. We had some big name preacher come and the place was packed. He opened the scriptures for us and brought such fresh revelation. He was amazing. It is worth travelling a long way if you can get the chance to listen to him. Buy the DVD, buy his book, start sending your tithe to him.

A world renowned healer is coming next week. Don’t miss out. Make sure you get to the meetings so that you can see him heal many. And the week after there is a famous prophet coming who will know things about people. It is going to be a blast. He is really good.

People love to be entertained. They love visual stimulation. They are naturally drawn by someone who can motivate them. By the funny, the unusual and those who appear to have power. Magician shows, hypnotists, those who bring some relief to the harsh realities of life. Good music and lights make most people feel at home. The church knows that people need these things and in many ways the church is being very obliging in dishing it up. Why not? Look at the numbers. Look at the offering. Listen to what people are saying.

What a performance we are putting on. Everybody knows our name.

The basis of our faith is the finished work of Christ on the cross. We are followers of Jesus who came to glorify the Father by taking us into His presence. The grace of salvation. The act of redemption. The miracle of the new birth. The most amazing thing that could ever be done for you. The thing that should be stirring us to worship this amazing God, to respond to His love, to be humbled by His grace. The thing that should should make us sing and shout and whistle and clap all being overshadowed by the brilliant performance of some man.

Take a bow all who stand in front. Give the people something to cheer about. Give them a reason to give a standing ovation. Bow your head. Get yourself out of the way. Let the people see right past you and see what the Lord has done.

Great men, the truly anointed, the spiritual leaders join with the angels and lift up the Name of Jesus, praising God for His mighty works. They give glory they don’t seek it.

Psalm 29 -WOW!!!!

A David psalm. Bravo, GOD, bravo! Gods and all angels shout, “Encore!”
In awe before the glory, in awe before God’s visible power. Stand at attention! Dress your best to honor him!
GOD thunders across the waters, Brilliant, his voice and his face, streaming brightness-GOD, across the flood waters.
GOD’s thunder tympanic, GOD’s thunder symphonic.
GOD’s thunder smashes cedars, GOD topples the northern cedars.
The mountain ranges skip like spring colts, The high ridges jump like wild kid goats.
GOD’s thunder spits fire.
GOD thunders, the wilderness quakes; He makes the desert of Kadesh shake.
GOD’s thunder sets the oak trees dancing A wild dance, whirling; the pelting rain strips their branches. We fall to our knees-we call out, “Glory!”
Above the floodwaters is GOD’s throne from which his power flows, from which he rules the world.
GOD makes his people strong. GOD gives his people peace.


It is almost impossible to picture thunder. You hear it, you don’t see it. In fact it is almost impossible to picture power either. You see the effect, you see the outcome but you don’t actually see the force behind it.

You hear the mighty thunder. It roars and rolls and instils fear at its sound The air vibrates in response. And then beautiful sparks of magnificent light. Power lighting up the sky. WOW! It sure grabs your attention.

So the thunder of God. The sound of God unleashing His mighty power. Enough to stop the heart of the strongest man. So powerful the whole earth catches its breath for the moment and then WOW we see the result.

God is a WOW God. When He speaks universes are formed, mountains fall down, evil quivers, demons flee, Creation pays attention. Then we see the the result. Salvation. healing, deliverance, provision, comfort, strength, freedom, peace.

He WOWs us with His thunder so that we will acknowledge Him and leaves us not in fear but amazed by His glory.

Let the unbeliever be terrified at the sound. But you and I, let us look and say WOW look what the Lord has done

Psalm 26 – Living for Jesus

I’m on the level with you, GOD; I bless you every chance I get.

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Being born again is a life changing event. You will never be the same again.

When you put your faith and trust in God, believing the Gospel, you suddenly find that so many aspects of your life are different. Different likes and dislikes. Anger replaced with love. fear replaced with peace. Depression turning into joy. It really is a new life. Making the desicion to acknowledge Jesus as Lord of your life is a commitment to Him that understands that all things will be new.

Instead of living for yourself you will from now on be living for Jesus.

I emphasis this as so many people “receive Jesus as Lord” when all they want is a helping hand when they are in trouble. Only coming along for the benefits they see promised but not prepared to actully submit their lives to Him. Not to give up their present life in order to live the new one.

Living for Jesus asks that you will live in a way that brings Him glory. Your life, your words and deeds blessing Him. No second place for Him but the most important thing in your life is your relationship with Him. Always loving His Word. Wanting to follow His ways. Seeking His presence and power 24/7.

Why are you a Christian?

Is it because you know who Jesus is? Is it because you call Him Lord? Is it because you believe?

Are you being honest with God and with yourself? Is this the real thing?

Psalm 26 – Glory revealed

GOD, I love living with you; your house glows with your glory.


Recently while visiting Australia we came across such beautiful old church buildings that are now standing empty. I went into some of them and it was amazing how you just felt the presence of God in them. People or not, you just knew that God had visited and inhabited these old buildings as people once worshipped Him there. I know a building is just a building but there is no denying that a building purposefully constructed, equipped and dedicated to worshipping God somehow becomes a house for His presence. His glory lingers and the sweet aroma of His presence remains. The power that He exudes leaves an awesomeness that is still felt today.

But dwelling in God’s house, living with Him, doesn’t have to be going to a building does it? After all we, the collective of believers, are the church. Where 2 or 3 are gathered, God is there. Any gathering of believers, immaterial of where they are, should immediately take on the exact same characteristics as the old building. Anyone entering the gathering should immediately get the sense of His power and love and grace and holiness. They should sense the same awe. They should know without a doubt that God dwells in that gathering. His glory will one day fill the whole earth but in the mean time the body, the bride, should be displaying that glory to all who would look their way.

Then of course you are the temple of God. God dwells in you. The fulness of the Godhead has made a permanent dwelling place in your bodily form. Lord I love living with you is no longer a trip to church but an acknowledgement that we love Him living in us.

I am a mobile revelation of God’s glory. Whether in a building, in a group or all alone, His house is filled with glory. His glory shines in any place I choose to worship. His glory shines in any gathering I am a part of and His glory shines as I go about my day far from any building or gathering. His glory shines in the darkness of the world where I must live for this time.

His house shines with His glory so that the lost may see the way home. I love it that it is where I already am.

Lord today fill me again with your presence, your love, your grace and power. Lord live so in me that your glory will fill the temple and shine like a beacon in the darkness

Psalm 26 – Got your halo?

A David psalm. Clear my name, GOD; I’ve kept an honest shop. I’ve thrown in my lot with you, GOD, and I’m not budging.
Examine me, GOD, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I’m fit inside and out
So I never lose sight of your love, But keep in step with you, never missing a beat.
I don’t hang out with tricksters, I don’t pal around with thugs;
I hate that pack of gangsters, I don’t deal with double-dealers.
I scrub my hands with purest soap, then join hands with the others in the great circle, dancing around your altar, GOD,
Singing God-songs at the top of my lungs, telling God-stories.
GOD, I love living with you; your house glows with your glory.
When it’s time for spring cleaning, don’t sweep me out with the quacks and crooks,
Men with bags of dirty tricks, women with purses stuffed with bribe-money.
You know I’ve been aboveboard with you; now be aboveboard with me.
I’m on the level with you, GOD; I bless you every chance I get.


Scripture tells us over and over that no works will ever justify us. No amount of works will save us. No works will ever make us righteous. Yet man still believes that he has to somehow partner God to sort his life out and to become acceptable to God. Man’s efforts will only ever achieve the things of man.

This means you can live what people might regard as a good life. You can work at people thinking you are a good person. You can present yourself to people as righteous and religious. The standards and tests of man are such that hard work will achieve lots. Polish your life and man will see it shine like a halo.

On the other hand scripture is very clear that we need to attain the righteousness of God. A much different standard and an impossible test. Continually trying over and over only leads to disappointment and ultimate failure. Men lying to themselves and even fooling themselves but always lacking the real peace that comes with God’s acceptance.

So how do get a real halo?

Accept by faith what God has done for you. By faith remain in Him and the glory of His house will shine around you.

The glory of His righteousness placed on you.

Lord the light of your love is shining

in the midst of the darkness shining

 Jesus light of the world shine upon us

set us free by the truth you now bring us

Shine on me, shine on me


Psalm 22 – Dumped!

God, God…my God! Why did you dump me miles from nowhere? Doubled up with pain, I call to God all the day long. No answer. Nothing. I keep at it all night, tossing and turning.

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Imagine for a moment how Jesus felt. Given up His glory to come to earth. Lived to do the will of His Father. Was mocked and ridiculed and persecuted as He ministered. Hated by religeous leaders. Judged and condemned to death. The crowds He had come to save chanting and calling for His cruxifiction and the release of criminals instead.

Whipped and beaten. Nailed to the cross. All the time perfectly obedient to the will of His Father. All the time knowing that He had to bear it all in order to bear your sin. That’s what He came for.

There he hung on the cross. The weight of your sin crushing Him. Still being mocked, challenged to prove His identity. Doing it all in the strength of God. Then suddenly nothing. He was on His own. The judgement of every man upon Him. The full force of the law. Death! And He was all alone. The presence, the strength of God was gone. He had to do it all alone.

Imagine for a moment how Jesus felt. Come to do the will of the Father and now in His moment of greatest need His Father was not there. Dumped.  Forsaken. Left alone.

It was the way it had to be. The only way your debt could be paid.

What was He to do. Turn to the world for help? Run to His enemies and cry for mercy? Join the God haters and mockers?

He chose to continue to put His fàith in His Father.  Entrusted His spirit to Him and completed what He had to do. He died in your place.

And where was God? Had He really abandoned His Son? No! He was right there standing guard over His Word. His arms around His son even as He descended into hell. Waiting for the exact moment predetermined to raise Him back from the dead so that you too may live. Waiting eagerly for the work to be finished so that Jesus could return to glory and you with Him.

Do you sometimes feel dumped? Are you calling on God day and night but it seems in vain. Nobody hears. Nobody responds. God is not there? Well, you are not alone and do not have to go through what Jesus did. God is there.

Sometimes though we do need to feel alone. Salvation comes at the point when you realise you have no hope. Repentance is the descision to abandon the world and it’s ways and in that moment of being alone realise that God is there for you. Sometimes you get caught up in your works, traditions, culture, family, church and you need to realise that God is not in them and turn from them. In that moment of feeling alone put your trust in God.

He had to dump Jesus for your sake but He will never dump you for His.

Psalm 19 – All heaven declares

God’s glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon. Madame Day holds classes every morning, Professor Night lectures each evening.

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In the beginning God created…….. And it was good

No matter how you count time since the beginning, in thousands, millions or billions of years, it was a long time ago. No matter how you see the past or what kind of influences you place on it, God’s initial creation has withstood the test of all this time. No matter the ages no matter even theories like evolution, the earth is still where it should be. The sun comes up every morning and the moon and stars are in their place every night.

What a testimony to the glory of God. The magnificance of the sun. It’s awesome power, able to light up the vast darkness. Able to energise what would be dead. Sustaining life. The beauty of the night sky. Millions and millions of tiny lights, some near some far. Some in other galaxies. All of them reflecting the might of the sun. Each one playing its part in separating the light from the dark.

How amazing this establishment that controls the seasons, the tides, the calendar. No matter how much influence is applied to their task their behaviour is solid, regular, reliable. Ever doing exactly what they were created to do. Existing perfectly in God’s words.

God spoke them into being and holds them in place with His word. Their reliance, their obedience to His word unquestionable. In them you see His perfection, His beauty, His glory. Pick a date and time and you can know precisely what the position of the sun and the moon will be.

Mechanical you say. Mechanics can break and be altered. Nothing can alter The workings of the heavens. AHH! But God could make it all stand still. Further declaration of His grace and goodness.

And then there is man. Meant to be the pinnacle of creation. Created to rule and reign over it. To reflect God,  to cover it with God’s glory. Given freewill he chose not to. He chose to go his own way. Do his own thing. Now enhancing the darkness, reflecting and spreading evil. Bringing God into question.

Who would teach us God’s ways? Who would show off His glory? Is there a perfect man we can follow?

We must learn from the perfection of the heavens. Watch them in perfect harmony, perfect obedience to His Word. Watch them declare through their very being that God is ever on the Throne. Then we can look for a man to teach us. A man as perfect.

There is one. Only one! The man who is the very Word Himself. Jesus.

Psalm 18 – Look at me

Suddenly, GOD, you floodlight my life; I’m blazing with glory, God’s glory! I smash the bands of marauders, I vault the highest fences.

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Show us the Father – If you have seen me you have seen the Father

 As a Christian the last thing you are is an insignificant being. It is a foolish sense of modesty that would put yourself at the back of the queue. An ignorant humblenss that causes you to stand back for others. A misguided attitde that says you can’t be and do anything. A lazy faith that thinks others are more capable than you. A questionable believer that leaves ministry to others.

Born again? You are it! You are the man! Like david your life has been floodlit. You are all lit up and standing center stage. Having come out of the darkness and into the light you are now front and center for all the world to see.

And what do they see?

Scripture says they will see glory. Your life, your words, your deeds filled with glory. people looking at you, listening to you saying WOW. People standing with their mouths open, amazed at you. Surprised and blown away by the change in you. People listening and watching with disbelief at the supernatural power and anointing that seems to be on you..

That’s right. Your whole existence attracts onlookers.

And what do they see?

They see Jesus! They see the Son of God doing the will of his father. They meet with the love and grace and power he brought to earth. They see the glory alright. God’s glory

You are now the light on earth. Empowerd by the source of light. Formed into the perfect conduit. Switched on by the Holy Spirit. Placed on a high hill to shine for all the world to see.

And what do they see?

They need to see you. Your life needs to scream out “look at me”. And when they look at you they see the Father.

David says once saved he began to do amazing things. He built a reputation. The world sat up and paid attention. You too have recieved the Holy Spirit. You have recieved the power God speaks of. The same measure as David. The same measure as any other man.

Go out and draw attention to yourself. Make the world look at you so that they can see your Father.

Psalm 16 – Good Friends

And these God-chosen lives all around- what splendid friends they make!


A man is known by the company he keeps.

We should keep the company of the chosen. Our fellowship, our unity is with the body of Christ. You are one with Christ and one with Christ in the lives of fellow Christians. You fellowship with Him through them. You are “one of them”. Unlike Peter you are happy with the association.

Man naturally builds his support group from like minded or same boat people. Alcoholics Anonymous being the classic example. People with the same struggle supporting each other. Man helping man to be like himself but without guarantee that he himself is OK. In a sense the blind leading the blind.

Christians seek their companionship with the chosen for a similar reason, the free and living encouraging each other. The difference is we seek people that can take us higher, not just help us be stable. The companionship of the chosen inspires, uplifts and rightly influences each other.

More than that though, is that in the company of the chosen you will always find Jesus. He is the core of the company. The strength with which the company reaches out. His love and grace are always present and available amongst the chosen.

They make such good friends. Find them as friends. Surround yourself with believers who will help you build your faith. With people walking close to God that you might hold their hands and walk there too. People who will be Christ to you.

Jesus was known as a friend of the sinners . His relationship with the Father was strong enough that those close to Him and those observing Him knew He had something that made Him different. He was a friend to them but clearly never of them. He surrounded Himself first with the chosen as his companions and then from the position of strength reached out .

We need to be a friend to sinners. We need to be able to walk among them in order to show God’s love and grace to them. We need to show them that we do not judge them. We need to manifest Christ to them. Surround ourselves with the chosen to support us and then use that strength to reach out.

Jesus teaches us that being a great friend is the embodiment of love. He proved it. Here the Psalmist says that the chosen make such good friends. Is he just mocking the church for not being who they say they are?

Who are your friends? Have you identified the chosen of God and surrounded yourself with them. Do they influence you in the right direction? Are they there when you need them?

To whom are you a friend? Are you not the chosen of God? Prove it to the those who need you?