Daily Archives: July 13, 2015

Psalm 29 – take a bow

A David psalm. Bravo, GOD, bravo! Gods and all angels shout, “Encore!”


Church was awesome today. We had some big name preacher come and the place was packed. He opened the scriptures for us and brought such fresh revelation. He was amazing. It is worth travelling a long way if you can get the chance to listen to him. Buy the DVD, buy his book, start sending your tithe to him.

A world renowned healer is coming next week. Don’t miss out. Make sure you get to the meetings so that you can see him heal many. And the week after there is a famous prophet coming who will know things about people. It is going to be a blast. He is really good.

People love to be entertained. They love visual stimulation. They are naturally drawn by someone who can motivate them. By the funny, the unusual and those who appear to have power. Magician shows, hypnotists, those who bring some relief to the harsh realities of life. Good music and lights make most people feel at home. The church knows that people need these things and in many ways the church is being very obliging in dishing it up. Why not? Look at the numbers. Look at the offering. Listen to what people are saying.

What a performance we are putting on. Everybody knows our name.

The basisĀ of our faith is the finished work of Christ on the cross. We are followers of Jesus who came to glorify the Father by taking us into His presence. The grace of salvation. The act of redemption. The miracle of the new birth. The most amazing thing that could ever be done for you. The thing that should be stirring us to worship this amazing God, to respond to His love, to be humbled by His grace. The thing that should should make us sing and shout and whistle and clap all being overshadowed by the brilliant performance of some man.

Take a bow all who stand in front. Give the people something to cheer about. Give them a reason to give a standing ovation. Bow your head. Get yourself out of the way. Let the people see right past you and see what the Lord has done.

Great men, the truly anointed, the spiritual leaders join with the angels and lift up the Name of Jesus, praising God for His mighty works. They give glory they don’t seek it.