Daily Archives: July 11, 2015

Psalm 28- Out of the frying pan and into the fire???

Save your people and bless your heritage. Care for them; carry them like a good shepherd.


Saved. A way out? Circumstances changed by an external force? Interference bringing relief from danger?

Why did you call on the name of Jesus? Were you in trouble? Were you sick? In need? Lonely? Desperate? Trying your luck?

And now that He answered your call? Are you free? Does your life just go on as normal until the next time? Are you disappointed? Disillusioned? Have things actually gone from bad to worse? Despite momentary relief you continue to struggle?

That’s what happens when you don’t understand salvation. When you seek first the things and think you are getting the Kingdom. When you think salvation is relief from your perceived need.

I want as much as anyone to see the power of God moving in revival fire across the land. I want to see the signs and wonders of God silencing the world. I want that every sick person to be healed and every one in need be provided for. But true revival begins with salvation. God’s salvation. Not relief but rescue. Not out of the frying pan just to fall into the fire but out of the fire and into the Kingdom of God.

Yes God wants to save you from…… He does it by safely moving you from where you are into a place where you are safe. Into a place where He is. A place where He can express Himself and highlight the purpose of your salvation. Where He can shepherd you and care for you. Where the fire cannot reach you. Into a place where His blessing can find you and abound towards you.

Not just saved from but saved into. Out of the darkness into the light.

No one will dwell in the house of the Lord forever because they got healed from a sickness. No one will glorify God forever because they became wealthy. The Bible does not teach healing (nor any other sign and wonder) first so that people can know that they are saved. It teaches Kingdom, the Lordship of Christ, the finished work on the cross, the Gospel of Jesus Christ followed by signs. It teaches the Word, the One that sets free confirmed by signs.

There will come a moment when those who are in the Kingdom will see no more sickness, no more dying. When there will be no more corruption, no suffering, no crying, no darkness.

Our message is not a rock to stand on in an ever rising flood but a rock that is solid in the sinking sand of life. Our ministry must not be a way out of the frying pan of the day but a transference into the cool of the evening where God walks amongst us.

Whatever your circumstances today I pray God’s blessings over you. I pray that you would know His presence right where you are and find peace from it.

And if you are sick, be healed! If you are in need, receive!