Daily Archives: July 10, 2015

Psalm 28 – Hidden in power

GOD is all strength for his people, ample refuge for his chosen leader


The believers were told to wait until they received the Holy Spirit. It was then that they would receive power. It was then that they could go out and start telling people about Jesus Christ. Then they would be able to preach the Gospel with signs and wonders following. Then they could be more than conquerors in a hostile world.Then they could do what and more than what Jesus did. Then what they did would make people see Jesus and know Him.

So many people today want to stand up and be seen. Church adverts for special meetings are mostly headlined by the name of a man. People called to flock after this preacher, that prophet, this miracle worker, that teacher. Always after the man. Wow! he is so anointed. He is so able. You must listen to what he says.

The woman at the well never went back and started preaching, gathering a following for herself. Getting people to be wowed by her revelation. She called them to come with her to meet Jesus. She was a witness to Him.

Pentecost and the continuing outpouring of the Spirit is God empowering all flesh. It is you the believer being anointed, baptised in power, absorbed into Christ. Jesus has met you just where you were and like the women at the well He has set you free. God has raised Him up to be seated at His right hand and raised you up to be seated with Him. You are now the anointed of God. The Christ. The one who will testify of the Father. A witness for Jesus. Proof of the finished work.

You are hidden, not in a safe corner, but in full view of all the world. You are hidden in power, clothed in Christ. You look like Him, walk like Him, move like Him. Your being is in Him. For all the world knows you are Him. Everything about you takes the attention off you and reveals Him.

Have you become God? No, but it is no longer you that lives but He who lives in you. His power makes you victorious. His strength makes you able. His anointing is your hiding place. All who seek you will find Him.