Daily Archives: July 8, 2015

Psalm 28 – Who chose who?

He proved he’s on my side; I’ve thrown my lot in with him. Now I’m jumping for joy, and shouting and singing my thanks to him.


For so many people “Christianity” is the result of choosing the religion you think best or that seems to offer you the closest you are looking for. It suits you to be a Christian. The religion has much to offer. Other religions don’t square up as well. So you choose Christianity. Now off you go to church, do all the right things, say all the right things and sing all the right songs.

As you look around in any church meeting there are people around you with arms lifted up, singing praises because they choose your religion. They have chosen to do this as the way to satisfy their need. Preachers encourage them not to honest relationship but to claim and take all they can get. Of course lots of bragging and false testimonies draw the crowds to come and make the same choices.

In true Christianity however there needs to be a different point of departure. A different reason to be found in the House of the Lord. It stems from the understanding of who chose who. Who went first. Why would you choose to follow Jesus? Why would you love God?

Simple. Even a quick glance through scripture preaches a different message. Because God first chose you. You are able to love Him because He first loved you.

The Psalmist says God proved He was on his side. Jesus did not stand on a cloud calling you to choose Him. He came to you and dwelt amongst you. He became flesh, what you were, to reveal His way, His truth, His life to you. Being on your side he turned life around. Darkness into light. Death into life.

You never actually choose Him. You choose to believe. You recognise what He has done for you and acknowledge Him in His rightful place in your life. The Psalmist threw his lot in with God. He acknowledged that what God brought to his life was exactly what he really needed.

So he never started shouting and singing to get. He was doing it with joy at what he had already received.

Have you chosen Jesus as your way to heaven, your way to wealth and blessing. Even your way to immortality? Do you worship Him out of hope for what you can get out of Him?

Or are you blown away by the fact that He would choose a wretch like you? Have you put up your hand and said ‘yes’ to His being on your side? Turning Himself into the way and abandoning your way? Overwhelmed by His love for you?

It’s knowing who chose who that makes me sing, sing and dance and shout with joy.