Daily Archives: July 6, 2015

Psalm 28 – Self destruction

Because they have no idea how God works or what he is up to, God will smash them to smithereens and walk away from the ruins.

self destruction

Many grace preachers simply deny that there is any form of condemnation or punishment from God. Yet not only the Old but also New Testament scriptures tell us there is. Consider for a moment what the worth of God’s grace would be if He simply did away with punishment, with judgement. Grace is not letting you get away with anything. It is not legalising sin. It is not turning a blind eye. Grace never says it is Ok for you to do what you like.

God is a God of justice and righteousness. This is what makes His love for us so special. Despite the fact that we are a broken, sinful, rebellious people, He wants us to inherit His Kingdom. There is a judgement. There is a separation of the chosen from the lost, of the adopted from the children of Satan, of the wheat from the chaff, of the sheep from the goats.The judgement will take place and the separation will be eternal. When all is done there will be those who inherit the Kingdom of God and will dwell with Him eternally, and those who forever live separated from Him – in hell.

At no point does grace just say never mind. Grace does not prevent judgement nor dispense with it. Grace operates in the midst of the judgement. Grace is there to ensure that justice is achieved. In fact grace comes after judgement and condemnation. The world has been judged and found guilty. There has been no one found righteous, not even you. And so the guilty verdict is handed down on all man. The condemnation to death and separation from God is signed and sealed and about to be delivered.

The weight thereof will become unbearable until the world comes tumbling down and destroys itself. Justice will have been served.

But grace. Friend, God is not offering another option. He is offering salvation. Your judgement was fair. Your condemnation is certain. But grace. God’s salvation. God’s justice system so perfect. There is a price to pay and God has made very sure it is paid

For those who will turn to God. Embrace Him by putting their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, there is given salvation from destruction. Grace is the fact that after you were condemned Jesus took your condemnation on Himself. He was crushed by the weight of your guilt and died your death. Justice is served, the price has been paid.

But the Bible says that those who do not believe, do not accept salvation, do not receive the grace so freely given, heap condemnation upon themselves. They stand under the full weight of the sin and guilt of the world, trying to justify themselves but they will carry the burden of their own condemnation. They will be destroyed, crushed, smashed to smithereens. And God will rule and reign forever in the Kingdom He has established together with all the believers.

What will it be? The path of salvation? Righteous by faith? Secure from destruction in Christ?

Or will you self destruct?