Psalm 22 – God’s table

Down-and-outers sit at GOD’s table and eat their fill. Everyone on the hunt for God is here, praising him. “Live it up, from head to toe. Don’t ever quit!”


Have you ever walked into a room and thought the others in it were all better than you?  Into a church and noticed how some are more important? Are you aware of God’s promises but wonder if you are worthy? When you ask God for something do you feel like a beggar?

Looking at others do you sometimes feel like a loser? Do you notice how other Christians are so much more spiritual and successful than you? Does it seem like you are a second class citizen?

Are you really satisfied with the crumbs that fall from the table?

Wait! There is a table prepared in the presence of God. A feast, a banquet. God has sent a personal invitation with your name embossed on it. There is a place for you at this table, set, prepared. Look it is at the head of the table. He is inviting you to be in a position of honour.

At God’s table no one is better than you. At God’s table no one can look down on you. At God’s table you get to take the first serving. At God’s table everyone is a king.

At God’s table there is no difference or distinction, no class, no race. At God’s table everyone who has accepted the invitation sits at the head. In His banqueting room no one stands out above any other. No one is more spiritual or has more favour. You are not a second class anything.

At God’s table there is always more than enough. You can eat and drink your fill. You don’t need to hold back.

At God’s table men are not exalted. The whole party sings the praises of God.

Come says the Lord, Come and sit down at your place I have prepared for you. Come and celebrate your life in Christ. Come eat and drink until you are satisfied.

Go big. Let your hair down. Make the best of it. Keep on. His goodness is never ending.

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