Psalm 18 -exposed

Then GOD thundered out of heaven; the High God gave a great shout, spraying hailstones and fireballs. God shoots his arrows—pandemonium! He hurls his lightnings—a rout! The secret sources of ocean are exposed, the hidden depths of earth lie uncovered The moment you roar in protest, let loose your hurricane anger.

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Pretending is one of lifes greatest defence mechanisms. Pretending to be someone or something that you are not. Pretending to be succesful. Pretending to be knowlegable. People pretend all sorts of things to make themselves popular or acceptable and even to gain power and influence

People pretend to be pastors, prophets, teachers. They pretend to hold to certain beliefs to capture their audience. Others pretend to agree with them and follow them to share in their success.

People pretend to be Christians. Some pretend to favour or support Pastors and ministries in order to reap benefit. Christians pretend to be perfect, without sin, so that others would not know the truth of their lives.

So much pretence that it is like living in a plastic world, everthing not real. So many masks that people hide behind to cover the truth that it becomes impossible to find and know the true person.

God has revealed, exposed Himself fully so that we may know Him. So that we may know the truth. Everything He does is out in the open. No masks. No pretending. Real. In the light that all may see it. One of the hallmarks of being a Christian is to have that truth operating and manifesting in our lives. Our overcoming is based on His exposure and our testimony of it in our lives.

And yet people pretend. Testimony is given of how God has done this or that but soon it turns out to be false. God has healed me – but you are still sick. God is prospering me – but you are heavely in debt. God has set me free – but you are still caught up in sin. False testimony afte false testimony. Lies peddled as prophecying. Lies masked as speaking truth over situations. Dreams pretending as finished reality.

The Bible says all things done in darkness, all falsehoods, will be brought into the light and exposed. The Word of God, the true truth will expose every lie. God sees past every mask and He is aware of every pretence. He sees right through them and knows the real things going on in your life

He will expose every falsehood. That way He can deal with it. He will shame the liar and the pretenders will bring judgement upon themselves.

You bring God no glory by pretending and at the end of the day you have gained nothing. There is no security behind the mask. It is but a flimsy atempt to cover what will be exposed. God cannot help falsehood or work on that which is covered.

If you tell people one thing but pray differently, testify something but expect God still to do it you make Him a liar.

Be real. Be honest about yourself. Give God the opportunity to deal with the real you. Give true testimony. Speak the truth about your life and your situations so that His truth can be applied.

Then watch His power at work, working all things for your good.

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